Monte Vista Street Elementary Home

Change starts with me.
Work hard. Choose wisely. Keep learning.

About Us

Welcome to Monte Vista Elementary School & Film and Communication Magnet. Our school embraces the whole child through project-based learning, art, science, and technology. We help students find their unique VOICE and empower students to share their own stories. 

News & Announcements

Welcome to all families for 2024-2025/Bienvenida a todas las familias 2024- 2025

Our staff extends a warm welcome to all families for the 2024-2025 school year. School starts on Monday, August 12, 2024 for all grades K-5. We will have a successful first day of school and a wonderful school year with your support and involvement in your child’s education!
Nuestro personal extiende una cálida bienvenida a todas las familias para el año escolar 2024- 2025. La escuela comienza el lunes 12 de agosto del 2024 para todos los grados K-5. ¡Tendremos un exitoso primer día de clases y un maravilloso año escolar con su apoyo y participación en la educación de su hijo/a!
Image of children walking and biking in the neighborhood

Have a Safe and Healthy Summer! ¡UN VERANO SEGURO Y SANO!

Summer is a great time to explore your neighborhood, play in the parks, and develop good walking and biking habits. Apply the lessons from the school year to your daily travel choices all summer long.
El verano es buen tiempo para explorar su vecindario, jugar en los parques, y adquirir buenos hábitos de caminar y andar en bicicleta. Aplique el aprendizaje del año escolar a sus opciones de viaje durante todo el verano.

School Zone Safety/Zona Escolar Segura

The District’s top priority is the safety and security of our students and staff. P
La principal prioridad del Distrito es la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal.

School Zone Safety/Zona Escolar Segura

The District’s top priority is the safety and security of our students and staff. Please use the LASAR App to make an anonymous report or contact our Main Office at (323) 254-7261 if you have any concerns.

Zona Escolar Segura
La principal prioridad del Distrito es la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal. Utilice la aplicación LASAR para realizar un informe anónimo o comuníquese con nuestra oficina principal al teléfono: (323) 254-7261 si tiene alguna inquietud.
125 Days of School Celebration

125 Day of Schools! 125 Dias de la Escuela!

125 Day of Schools! 125 Dias de la Escuela!
Show your school spirit by wearing green along with your crazy hairstyle.
Ensene su espiritu escolar vistiendose de verde y su peinado loco.



Our Mission

Monte Vista Street Elementary School will excel in providing a rigorous instructional program, which develops strong language and COMMUNICATION for all students through the ARTS and the use of TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE.