Academics » Film and Communication Magnet Film

Film and Communication Magnet Film

At Monte Vista Film and Communication Magnet, we equip our students with the tools to be leaders in the field of film and media communication. In addition, we empower them to use their VOICE, find OPPORTUNITIES to learn and grow, use their IMAGINATION, COLLABORATION with others, and ENGAGE in their community and world. Now, more than ever, we need our students to use their V.O.I.C.E. to change the world!
The enrollment window for the 2024-2025 magnet program at Monte Vista Street Elementary in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is October 2 to November 17, 2023. Current students do not need to reapply. 
To apply, you can:
A selection of our students' final projects are screened at the Monte Vista Film and Communication Magnet Annual Film Festival. Check out the 2024 program, movie posters, and films.